Added 10/3/2012

Hi Janice,
I wanted to send you a few pictures of our big baby Nixon. He weighs in at 75lbs already and is not even 9 months old yet. He is a very smart good boy but likes to eat everything which has us on our toes every day. The pictures are from November January February and April. I hope you enjoy and thank you so much for the beautiful wonderful dog he sure has become a member of our family.
Bonnie |
Added 10/3/2012

Bruno is ready for football today! Archie & Bruno are also in this 2013 Goldendoodle calendar from Brown trout Publishers too (April)
Hope all is well with you.
Carol |
Added 10/3/2012

Wayne and Janice,
Randy and I adopted Izzy two years ago. She has become a true farm dog
swimming in irrigation ponds and snatching pickles from the pickle
boxes. As soon as Randy picks up his boots she is attached to him for
fear of missing her ride to work. All of our kids know she loves them
"best" which is such a gift! Izzy has been known to sneak a hamburger
or two but is appropriately sad for her actions. I've never seen a dog
with such great body language! Thank you so much for adding such a
special member to our family! As you can see from the picture, she can
even drive the tractor!
Thanks again,
Megan |
Added 10/3/2012

Hi Janice,
I have had so many people that I gave your information to. He is loved by everybody, you were 100% right, he was the most laid back. We love him. Thank you so much! He will be continuing his training as a therapy dog for my husband. He is already excellant with the wheel chair at 7 months old.
My Vet has told me that I do not have to wait for check up's - just bring him in so we can see him. The Vet also told me that this is a very well bread dog! |
Added 10/3/2012

This is a picture of Bailey.
She is full of energy and likes to play
Gary |
Added 10/3/2012

Hello Wayne and Janice,
I just wanted to update you on how wonderful Rocky has been since we adopted him in November. He is a great, loving dog. He has several friends in the neighborhood and is very sociable with other dogs and people. He passed puppy school with flying colors. He does several tricks and is well tempered. Our kids absolutely love him. Thank you so much for showing us him, he is the perfect dog. We plan on getting another doodle, when he is about 1! I enclosed some pictures. The first one is of him in the first snowfall, the second is his first haircut, and lastly is the trick we taught him (Just kidding, it would be nice if he could be potty trained like that though!)
Thank you,
The Werner’s |
Added 10/3/2012

Hi Janice & Wayne!
Here are some pics of Mazie and Lola - Mazie will be 13 in August. She's doing great, still likes long walks and bringing Lola into the family, she seems to have more energy.
Lola gives Mazie good morning kisses and also loves to annoy her like any other little sister.
We love our girls! |
Added 10/3/2012

Hi Janice,
I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that Izzy is doing great. One of her favorite things to do is to sit in Chad and my laps and chew a bone…that can only keep up so much longer as she is already 25 lbs!
She is doing fantastic with the bell training and rings it consistantly when she has to go outside to the bathroom. She also already knows sit, shake, and down and we can’t wait to teach her more tricks. Attached are two pictures of her and Aunt Libby. Thank you so much for a wonderful dog!
Take care!
Becca & Chad |
Added 10/3/2012

We purchased Boomer from you June 2011.
We can't even describe to you how much joy Boomer has brought to our lives. He is so mild mannered, loving and absolutely adores all kids. He is the biggest lapdog we have ever seen not that we are complaining. We absolutely ADORE him and so happy that we by chance found you on the internet.
I have attached some birthday pictures of Boomer for you.
Thank you.
Steve, Krista, Caitlyn and Boomer |
Added 10/3/2012

Dear Wayne and Janice,
Thank you for such a wonderful dog! Cabo was born 1/5/12 and is growing fast! We absolutely love him!
Jeff and Polly |
Added 10/3/2012

My husband and I want to update you both on our wonderful doodle Henry! BD 5/2/11 We brought him to our home last August and we enjoy him so much!! He is such a well behaved dog and easy to train. Our extended family has fallen in love with him, too! He is great with kids and LOVES other dogs. I am already excited to add another doodle to the family :) Thank you for breeding such wonderful dogs!
**I have attached a few pictures of Henry to the email :)
Thank you!! |
Added 4/21/2012

Hi Wayne and Janice
I am sorry for not writing sooner. Just wanted to send you two shots of Samantha, our Doodle born Feb 1, 2011. We can't believe it's almost been a year! She is so much fun. Our boys consider her a sister and I am pretty sure she thinks she is human. She has so many tricks already, roll over, high five and all of the standards. She'll even balance a treat on her snout until you tell her she can take it. We also found out by mistake that she has serious frisbee skills. Most of all though she just wants to play ball with the boys and me. We have to hide them at night or she just keeps putting them in our lap. I wish I could take credit for her athletic prowess!
Happy New Year!
The Schlamme Family |
Added 4/21/2012

I've attached some images for you to see little Lola. She is doing wonderfully and we just love her to death. She is very happy with us and has come leaps and bounds in the last 2 weeks. She is kennel trained and almost completely potty trained. She is very smart and learning quickly. Puppy classes start next week and we think she will excel.
Thank you again for our sweet little puppy. We will continue to provide you updates.
Laura |
Added 4/21/2012

Sophie is now 7 ½ years old and she is the smartest, funniest dog I have ever met. She is just a blast. She greets me every morning and puts me to bed every night. In the picture, she loves going in the speedboat so she can watch the kids tubing and skiing. She is a fantastic lake dog spending just about every weekend at our lake home with us. We take her every year to Florida for spring break as well. She is not so crazy about the salt water!
Hope you are all doing well.
Don and Sophie |
Added 4/21/2012
Download Pics
My name is Kahlia Lofquist and I bought a puppy from you in October named Blaney. I thought I would give you a quick update on how he is doing. He is definitely very spoiled by me and his grandparents! lol Lake is very smart and has caught onto my routine quickly. He enjoys being chased around my apartment when he steals my kitchen towels. Overall, Lake has a wonderful personality and great to have around! I have attached a word document with some pictures of Lake.
Kahlia |
Added 4/21/2012

Hi Wayne and Janice!
Just dropping a line to say thank you again for our wonderful Koda! He’s the happiest loving dog we’ve ever been around. People are so shocked at what a great smart dog he is. I wanted to send you this particular picture as he is definitely one of the kids! Koda was born at Mueller’s on March 31, 2006. Already closing in on his 6th birthday – time sure travels fast. Our dood is very healthy and incredibly happy when his family is around. Sometimes we wish we had 2 to keep him forever busy!
Best Wishes-
Brian & Mindy |
Added 4/21/2012

Hi Janice & Wayne,
Here's a photo of Charley Girl at 13 weeks with our son Benny. This is Charley's 1st snow on Martha's Vineyard. She loves it, and we love Charley! She has a very sweet disposition, is wicked smart and is very beautiful too. People stop us wherever we go. They cannot get over how adorable she is. I think she loves people more than dogs. She runs up to everyone to get a pat. Her coat is so soft and cuddly, she's like a warm wooly blanket. We couldn't be happier with our darling Charley Girl. Thank you so much for her!! We'll send more photos as she grows. I think she's going to be big! More of her to love:)
All the best,

Thought you'd like to see our girl Charley. She'll be 6 months old on 4/18. She's a big girl! We absolutely adore her:). She is the sweetest dog. She's gorgeous too. Everyone just loves her. |
Added 4/21/2012

Hi Janice and Wayne,
Just wanted to share a couple of photos with you of Blackburn and Gary. They have become quite the buddies. Gary must take Blackburn on three or four walks per day. We have so much fun playing with him. He has been dubbed the "cutest dog" in Lake Geneva by many people who have met him. Even our older poodle has lots of fun playing with him, but puts him in his place when she has had enough. Hope you had a great holiday.
Carlene |
Added 12/28/2011
Our journey with Prince started Feb. 5th when we took him to his forever home in Oshkosh. He weighed 10 lbs., at which time I started his socialization progran at Aurora Hospital in Oshkosh. My expectations at that time was to train him to be a Therapy Dog. On Dec. 10, 2011, prince passed his testing in Appleton with Therapy Dogs Intl.(TDI). The evaluators were surprised at his intelligence, calmness & demeanor for a 12 month old dog. One reason for this is the time that I spent training him and, the other reason obvious to me, was we had a good puppy to start with...thanks to your breeding program. During the past 9 months, Prince has had contact with 25-30 strangers on each & every visit to the hospital. The frequent comments I get from people is that he gorgeous, very mature for such a young dog, looks like a stuffed animal, very loving & his coat feels like it belongs on a stuffed animal because it is so soft. Prince now weighs 51 lbs. & we look
forward to many years of Pet Therapy as well as a lifetime companion to us. |
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