Goldendoodle Testimonials
Hi Mueller's,
Just wanted you to know that one of your own is currently starring on 3 billboards in La Crosse, WI. The attached picture is the basis for the advertisement for Diggity Dog Daycare which Toby attends. Of course, Toby is on of the favorites and enjoys very much playing with the other dogs! He is such a happy companion.
The Fellenz's |
Dear Janice, Wayne and family,
We are sending a picture of our sweet Rosie. We picked her up in April 2005 and now we can't imagine life without her! Something special about Rosie is that she is bilingual! We speak both Spanish and English at home, and she understands commands in both languages. She is a great companion. Some of her favorite moments are trips to the family cabin in northern Minnesota. She loves to swim and ride in the boat. She loves to hang out in the kitchen when we cook. Thank you for breeding such a wonderful pup!
The Brown family |

Hi Janice, Wayne & Wendy,
I just wanted to send you some pictures of our girl, Lucy. As we near her first birthday (03/09/07), we thought this was an appropriate time to send you an update. Lucy has been an absolute joy ever since we brought her home in June, 2006. She is truly a perpetual source of laughter and love for everyone in our family! Probably the most amusing relationship she has is with her older brother Willie (the cat). They adore each other, and they interact like siblings - annoying the heck out of each other, cuddling together when they're sleepy, chasing each other all over the house, and working together to steal treats off the kitchen counter!
Of all the puppies we've had experience with in our lifetime, she has been, by far, the most mellow and easiest to train. Lucy successfully completed all of the training necessary to earn her Canine Good Citizen certificate from the American Kennel Club; and while she was at it, got along great with all of the dogs in her classes she was a very popular girl! We truly can't go anywhere without people asking us what breed she is, and commenting on how cute, sweet, and goofy she is. Even the people who really know dogs our Vet, Vet Techs, Dog Trainers, Groomer consistently comment on her intelligence and wonderful disposition. Lucy is gentle with kids and older folks, and is extremely affectionate and people-oriented. We really can't say enough about our amazing girl; and because of that, we're very excited to be talking with you about adding a "new addition" to our family! Thank you again!
Kristen & Darren
Libertyville, Illinois
Dear Janice and Wayne,
Last June we surprised our children by bringing home one of your goldendoodles. They couldnt be happier! She survived the flight to NY and has been thriving ever since! The boys named her Sunny for her coloring, but it fits her personality as well! She loves to swim in the summer, and eat the snow in the winter. She is gentle, very loving, and has a great sense of play. The boys cant wait to come home from school each day for their welcome home licks! Thanks for making it so easy to bring this new member into our family. Her sweet disposition proves that she definitely comes from a wonderful background. If you ever need a reference in the Long Island area, dont hesitate to call!
Susan |
Hi Janice!
Just thought we would send you a note to let you know that Steve is doing really well, and growing bigger every day! He makes us laugh all of the time, and he is the perfect addition to our family. He is such a sweet boy, and we absolutely adore him. He is adjusting well, and especially loves naps and playing in the snow. Attached are a few of our favorite pictures from the last few weeks.
Thanks for such a great dog!
Meghan & Andy |

Just wanted to give you an update on Emma the puppy I picked up in 8-06. She is now 18 months old and is just a wonderful dog. Her personality is just wonderful; we have people stop us on the street all of the time asking about her. She does something everyday that makes us laugh. Getting her was the best decision we have made in a long time. I have attached recent photos; feel free to use them on your website.
Take care
Ted & Andrea
Hi Wayne and Janice!
We just wanted to send you a quick update on our Goldendoodle. Reese turned 1 in November and she is a bundle of joy. She has been the best puppy, and is such a sweetheart. She is full of energy and makes us laugh multiple times a day with her silly attitude. She gets along great with her doggie brother and sister, and loves when her Goldendoodle cousin Sydney (also one of your puppies) comes over to play. We thought Reese was going to be on the smaller side since she was such a small puppy and seemed to be growing slowly, but she has sure been growing lately! She is up to about 65 lbs! We can't say enough good things about our baby Reese, and she makes friends everywhere she goes. Attached are a few pictures so you can see her! We wish you a happy healthy 2008 and thank you for such a wonderful addition to our family!
The Kirshners |
Hi Janice,
Just a short note to say Buddy is doing great. He spent a few weeks at our home in Florida over the holidays. This was his first trip in the airplane. As you can see by the photo, he enjoyed the flight!
Brian |
Here are some pics of Oliver (brownie) since we picked him up laast week. He is a wonderful addition to our family and has quite the personality. Everyone thinks he is a water spaniel because of his great color.They are so surprised to hear he is a Goldendoodle. He was to the doctor, weighs 39# and had an allergic reaction to his Rabies shot but he bounced right back. He loves to fetch. He got his first haircut and loves car rides. His new sisters are Halee and Emily and they really love him. Feel free to post the pics to your site, there just arn't enough brown ones.
Hi Wayne and Janice
Just wanted to send you pictures of Murphy! We got
him in January of 2006. HE IS THE BEST DOG!!!!! I just love him to pieces
- he's got such a funny personality. I'm always laughing at him!!
If you want, you can post his pics on your website : )
Tammy Stern |
Hi Janice,
It's been quite a while since I've sent you an email with an
update and photo of Dezi. He is now 4 years old, which I
can't believe!
I hope all is well with you and your family.
I'm attaching a fall picture of Dezi with my parent's little
yorkie mix, and also Dezi's picture with Santa this year.
He's a great dog and I couldn't love any more than I do. He
goes to work with me on the weekends and everyone has come
to look forward to his visits. He loves everybody and is so
antimated when he's happy to see someone.
As you can see from the pictures, I keep his hair trimmed
now. It's just too much for me to try to brush, plus he's
very hot natured and seems to do better with it trimmed.
Have a wonderful holiday season and blessed New Year!
Dana Markee |
Hi Janice,
Finally had an opportunity to send you a picture of Sadie. She is a wonderful addition to our family and everyone just loves her! She is everything we expected. I think the picture of the chocolate doodle on your web page is Sadie?? See you in Dec. to pick up our other doodle.
Harold and Amy Bergstrom |

Hi Janice and Wayne
I have attached a picture of Sadie after being groomed. She is adjusting well and we love her to pieces! She starts basic obedience training tonight!
Anne, John, Jake and Adam |
We wanted to share some pictures of her and her new family. We just love her so much! She is such a wonderful dog. Just.....Perfect for us. Her and Dusty, our Golden Retriever get along great. It was a rough start at first with my mom and not having my dad around. But you know....Lucy has put many smiles on all of our faces, and I just love her! I am taking her to Obedience class, and she is soo sweet! Everybody loves Lucy! Thank you so much!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healty New Year!
~Jim, Lori, Ryan, Kevin, Sarah
Dusty & Lucy Stauske :) |
Hi Janice,
Have some pictures of our beautiful boy Toby for your website. Are also going to send some to the contest 365 puppies per year!
Pamela Fellenz |
Hi Janice and Wayne,
I wanted to send you some pictures of Dudley for your website. We love
him and he is a great addition to our family. We are stopped wherever we
go, he is quite the attraction. He's all you can ask for in a puppy, he's
friendly, lovable and he is learning quickly. He's really fun to be
around. Thanks again for raising great Doodles!
Carol |

Hi Janice,
We wanted to send you
some recent pictures of Lexi.She’s
now 18 months old and
gets smarter and sweeter every day. It is amazing how
much she is like us. Everywhere we go with her, people stop to
talk to us about her and to play with her.Lexi knows how to
play to the crowd. When people pet her or start talking
to her, she sits and reaches out to give them high paw, or
will reach to grab their hand or arm with her paw, like we do
with our hands.
My kids love to play
with her and just to be around her as much as possible.
Lexi waits with Jordyn at the door until the school bus comes
in the morning, Lexi doesn’t take her eyes off of Jordyn and
the Bus until it pulls away. After that, we can usually
find Jenna in Lexi’s kennel lying down with
I can go on and on
about our Doodle---Lexi. We get e-mails everyday asking
about her and the details for Woodville. I
just wanted to give you
and update and share a few new pictures.
Take care,
Buffalo Grove,
Illinois |