Goldendoodle Testimonials
Added 12/28/2011

Happy Holidays,
I want to be one of the first to wish you and your family Happy Holidays.
Lucy is now 4, she was born April 2007. I can't thank you enough for her. She is everything I want in a companion. She likes to play, snuggle, and never is demanding. She was easy to house train, if I recall she may have had only one accident and I am sure that was my fault. Not an outing goes by that someone doesn't ask about her, and of course the children bury their faces in her fluffy fur. I guess it's true "I Love Lucy."
Happy New Year
Mari |
Added 12/28/2011

Hi Wayne and Janice!
We wanted to give you an update on Rocco! We picked him up April 26th, so he is almost 5 months old now and very much settled in to life at the Obershaw home. He has become best of friends with Izzy, our Lhasa/Bichon mix. When he first came home, she really didn't know what to think of him, but now the two of them are inseparable...however I think Izzy may be a little confused why he keeps growing and she doesn't!
We are so impressed with how smart of a puppy he is! He was potty trained in less than 2 weeks and knew the "sit" command probably in the first week and a half! We are still working on come, stay and lay...most of the time the only reason he won't come is when we are outside and he has so much more going on out there in his fenced in yard, the last thing he wants is to stop playing and come inside! He did have his first encounters with water in the last week or so, 1 st time being the kiddie pool we got for them and he absolutely loved it, 2nd time was at the dog park. He isn't to sure about actually going out swimming where he can't touch, but doesn't mind jumping around near the shore or laying down in it (as you will see in a couple pics.)
We are very much looking forward to seeing how big he is going to get and for him to be out of the chewing stage (don't know how much more my baseboards in the house can take!) He truly is a wonderful dog and can't thank the two of you enough for breeding such a great dog! We will definitely send more pics once he gets a little older. Hope all is well with you and your family :)
Shane and Sarah |
Added 12/28/2011

Hi Janice & Wayne,
I am so sorry it is taking us so long to send you pictures of cooper. He is the black and white one with the pigment on the tip of his nose. If you remember I had a hard time choosing and I called my sister on the phone. Anyway cooper has been a great joy as an addition to our family. He is in perfect health, he has graduated as star puppy from obedience school and will be attending the next level. I would love to have him trained so that he can go to hospitals and visit with the kids etc. He is having a great time with our 2 year old wheaton terrier (abbey). They play and run the entire day all over the house and yard. It is extremely funny to watch the two of them play.
Cooper just turned 6 months old. We will continue to send pictures as he gets bigger.
Best regards
Bruce and Dawn |
Added 12/28/2011

Hello Wayne & Janice! Just wanted to send you some pictures of Sadie, who was born on June 13th, 2005, and is now 6 years old. She is very friendly with other dogs, loves going for walks, and being outside. She is a great addition to our family, and we cannot imagine life without her.
Thanks so much!
The Sanders |
Added 12/28/2011

Just wanted to show you what Rufus looks like after his grooming!! I was calling him Gonzo when we left you, but my husband did not like that name. Rufus is a delightful addition to our home!!!! Thank you so much for breeding such great puppies!
Rebecca |
Added 12/28/2011

Murphy was born February 1 and is now 6 months old. He came to us on April 10th, the day after the Marquette Auction. We were the lucky family to take him into our home. He is perfect in every way! I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it has been having him in our family. Included is a picture of the first day he arrived and three more recent photos. Thank you so much for bringing him into this world.
Dan, Kay, Kyle & Colin |
Added 8/28/2011

Hi, Sorry it took so long to write but Im sure you been wondering how hes doing!!Im sending you a picture of Cody! We got him from you last memorial day weekend and his birthday is tomorrow! Hes our firecracker baby!! On the 4TH of JULY! We just love him and so do our grandchildren! Very easy to potty train and picks up quick! Ill write soon!! Very Smart Dog!!! Wouldnt trade him for anything ,we just love him !!!! I will write soon!!!
Paula and Mike |
Added 8/28/2011

Hello Muellers..
We thought you'd enjoy this photo of 4 different dogs that came from your kennel that have been adopted from various members in our family. We all got together recently and tried our best to get a group photo (3 goldendoodles & 1 havaton). You should have seen them all play! They are wonderful pets that bring us much joy.
The ages from left to right -- 7 month goldendoodle, 4 month havaton, 6 year old goldendoodle, and 4 year old goldendoodle.
thank you..
Margie |
Added 8/28/2011

Murphy was born February 1 and is now 6 months old. He came to us on April 10th, the day after the Marquette Auction. We were the lucky family to take him into our home. He is perfect in every way! I can't even begin to explain how wonderful it has been having him in our family. Included is a picture of the first day he arrived and three more recent photos. Thank you so much for bringing him into this world.
Dan, Kay, Kyle & Colin |
Added 8/28/2011

she is beautiful,smart and lots of fun. She weighs just over 20 lbs.
Jeff and Myra |
Added 8/28/2011

Hi Wayne and Janice-
I wanted to share this picture of our son Henry and Kona. Kona is the BEST dog! I wish we could tell you how many people have complimented us on her- on how she looks and her behavior. She is simply incredible with our boys. This picture says it all. Henry was practicing his football plays, and was telling Kona them, and asked for a high five. Thanks for all your hard work as it has brought so much joy to all of our lives!
We can't even begin to tell you how great our puppy is. Smart for sure. Seriously....no accidents in the house, rings the bell already, and sleeps from 10a.m.-4 p.m. She sure has brought a lot of joy into our lives in such a short period of time. She checked out great at the vet this a.m. We really enjoyed working with you, and appreciate all your help, email responses, etc. A+ service all around, The day we picked her up was so fun, and it felt like we could just keep talking and joking around. We sure have had a great experience. Thank you so much!!! Here are some pics of Kona, along with a blog post. Hope you enjoy it!
The Basala family |
Added 8/28/2011

Hi Janice and Wayne,
Just wanted to drop a quick note to thank you again for a great family member. This is a picture of my Grand-daughter, Megan, she loves her as much as I do. My son-in-law won't allow a pet in the family, but Lucy spends time with them when I go shopping for the day or out of town for a few days. We're going to change his mind about family pets.
Lucy is the answer to lonely days and sleepless nights. She is always willing to play, sleep or just lay by me and snuggle.
We get stopped on outings, people asking about her and what kind of dog she is. They find it hard to believe she doesn't shed at all. She weighs about 45 pounds and loves getting groomed. Oh, she loves water as well. I have to make sure the door is shut when I take a shower or she will jump in with me.
She would be perfect, if she didn't chase bunnies.
Thanks again, for letting her come to live with me.
Oshkosh, WI |
Added 6/27/2011

Dear Janice & Wayne,
Just wanted to send you a picture of my beautiful Sam who is 8 today. He has been the love of my family. I can't begin to tell you what a great goldendoodle he is. Not only is he smart, beautiful but a great temperament. He still has that puppy like personality and loves everyone. I hope he has a long life with us but remember I will be back to get another puppy someday if I no longer have my wonderful Sam. Thank you both for breeding such great doodles. You have been such great people to work with and I will always value your friendship.
Peggy (NJ) |
Added 6/27/2011

Hi Janice & Wayne,
Ruby is 7-1/2 months old and, as you can see, is a real beauty. She hasn't had her first haircut yet but it won't be long. To me, she looks perfect right now.
More important than her great looks, she has an incredible personality. She is smart, loving, playful and easygoing. She is the perfect companion for our Wheaten Terrier and she maintains her mellow attitude despite the terrier model she has in Cooper.
We couldn't be happier with Ruby and just want you to know that and how well she fits into our family.
Sandy & Paul |
Added 6/27/2011

Regina, Peggy, Janice,
Here are some recent photos of our Mueller Goldendoodles, Cooper and
Moose. Cooper will be 2 in April and Moose will be 3 in June. They
play together about 3-4 days a week, go to the groomer together (or as
we call it, their "SPA" day!!) and truly love each other!!!
Lanna |
Added 6/27/2011

Janice and Wayne..
I know it's been a long time since I've contacted you. I just thought I'd
let you know how "Doogie" (6/12/07) is doing. He's our little
Wisconsin"Cheesehead" here in Virginia. He was rooting for the Packers as
you can imagine and he loves it when we get snow, which isn't very often!
He's the most wonderful dog. We can't say enough good things about him. He
and his brother Teddy attract attention wherever we go. You guys are the
Here he is.. all grown up. Hard to get a picture of him alone. He and his
older brother are inseparable.
Thank you so much for our super special dog. Excuse me, he isn't actually a
dog. He's a little person in a brown suit!
All the best to you and Wayne....
Lynda and Tom |
Added 6/27/2011

Hello Wayne & Janice
Just wanted to drop you a line re: Millie our Golgendoodle which is now 11 yrs.old. Her birth date was 10-25-99, we picked her up on 1-7-2000. We have enjoyed her every day, she is great with are 4 grand children. She is a real big Chicago Bears fan.
Ron & Chris |
Added 1/17/2011

Ben put on his finest to root for his team thru the playoffs
Paul, Cathy & Jackie |
Added 1/17/2011

Janice and Wayne,
just wanted to let you know that Ailsa is doing very well and getting bigger by the day.I have been taking her to puppy school and she is learning very fast. She is such a sweet heart and everyone who meets her falls in love just like we have.
Ailsa has just fitted into our family and made it complete and I still can't believe what an amazing puppy we have,she is just so good with a very easy going nature.
We had our first fall of snow a week ago and Ailsa loved playing in it so I have attached some pics for you to see.
My mom and dad have been visiting from Scotland over the holidays and my dad has fallen in love with Ailsa so I will be checking his suitcase when he leaves!!
Thank you again for matching us so perfectly.
Happy New Year
Paulene |
Added 1/17/2011

Janice and Wayne,
Thank you so much for the cheese and sausage basket. You are too kind.
I want to wish both of you a Merry Christmas and a happy healthy New Year.
Archie & Bruno are doing just great. If I could have 10 more of your Goldendoodles I would!!
Here are some recent pictures.
Thanks again,
Carol |
Added 1/17/2011
Hello - hope you all are still there. Today is Henry's 7th birthday and I want you to know he is THE most beautiful dog and friend. He is calm, so very well behaved, clings close to me all the time and understands what I say when we walk and say "come" he does, he goest to "bed" when I say bed -which of course is at the foot of mine! and many more things that are to numerous to mention. I live in a small town, Havre de Grace, in MD and everyone here knows him and call his name when I walk............and how many times I have heard, "What kind of dog IS that?"
His dad was Mueller's Woodville Tommy Boy and his mom Sparks May. Since it has been 7 years you are probably not -if you still raise them - using them for parents. People are continuously amazed because Henry is so calm, does not chin, is a joy..........not the typical "can be wild golden"....carries his stuffed animals everywhere but does not chew.........I could go on and on........and I am not a trainer ...it is just Henry. And, I suppose his mom and dad were calm also.
Hope your family is doing well and hope this address is still good and I hear from you.
jeanne |
Added 1/17/2011

Hello Janice and Wayne!
Just wanted you to know how much we love our Bazil!!! She turned 1 on
Oct 2nd and she is just a joy in our house!!! She is everything we wanted in a family pet!!
And we have been contemplating getting another!!!Our boys love running and playing
with her as much as they love snuggling her, and the same goes for her!!!
We have told numerous people about the fantastic dogs at Mueller Woodville Kennels!!
Thank you again for our beautiful addition to our family!!!
Chris and Melissa
Cash and Coy and Bazil~doodle |
Added 1/17/2011

Fergusons First Birthday Party. Pumpkin
>carrot cake for all ! One year old, 67 pounds of always wanting to play energy and
>still waiting to fill out some ! Whereas Boomer was always the mellow pup, Gus has
>no idea of the meaning of the word.
Hope all is well.
The Blatts |
Added 1/17/2011

Added 1/17/2011

Good morning:
It has taken many months - but I wanted to share some pictures of Hershey (cannot recall the name you gave her originally - parents: Kit Kat Bar/Ronald Regan - picked up on 12/28/09).
Hershey is so calm and relaxed, she just loves to be hugged, petted and played with. She is the best dog ever and we are so in love with her. She has grown up to be a gorgeous golden doodle and we cannot go anywhere without hearing how beautiful she is - we are literally stopped 5-10 times on walks, at parks and at soccer games or 5Ks. Everyone loves Hershey. No one has ever seen her color before and I am so glad we were able to have a chocolate color golden doodle. thank you for completing our family!
Julie, Jack, Kaileigh & Tyler |
Added 1/17/2011

Forever Loved
Age 11 years, 9 months
It has been over a year since our sweet Maxine left us, and I finally am able to write a tribute to her. She was from one of the first litters of Goldendoodles that Janice and Wayne had. We met her and her brother Bruno on a snowy day in February, 1998. I had received a "gift certificate" for Christmas that year from my husband and children, then 9 and 10 for a puppy. That puppy would have to pass the wheezing test from my son and I who have asthma. My son, Victor, was the reason we had to find a new home for our beloved 90 # white German Shepherd/Malemute when he was 3 and in the ER more often than at home. To appease my daughter Kat, who wanted something "furry" to love, we got a guinea pig as a substitute, but she didn’t settle for it for long.
In waltzes our Maxine, a wet bundle of golden curly fur, with Bruno on her tail. Victor and I buried our faces in her fur, sniffed the towels used to dry her, did everything but inhale her. No sneezing, no wheezing, no itching, no red eyes! Sold! Wayne gave her the last worm medication and shots and off we went. She promptly threw up on my husband in the car ride home, but he still was in love. She was so smart she managed to find her way out of the tall TV box we put her in in under an hour. She slept on our bed the first night and never had an accident on it. Needless to say, we did try to put her in the closet, in a kennel, but she needed to be with us.
She grew up to be such a sweet, gentle soul who loved nothing more than to fetch a stick in Lake Superior for hours and dig her nose in the cool sand. She loved camping with us and hiking, if there were treats in it for her. She had very little exercise requirements and when we tried to get her to fetch balls and frisbees on land, she would sit and look at you after you threw it as if to say "You want it so badly, YOU get it." So much for the retriever in her! She would lay on me, all 60 # of her and expect me to hold her rawhide chew bone for her so she could get the best chewing angle. She had the weirdest bad habit of chasing leaves, we grew to dread fall. She could pull like a sled dog to get to one flying down the street, even a pinch collar could not deter her. She was also afraid of said guinea pig, she would stand stock still when we took it out of its cage and look at it out of the corner of her eye, afraid to move.
I work from home and she would either lay in the recliner in my office, her head on the armrest, or under my feet and give me a dirty look every time I rolled my office chair over her tail. She was very healthy, except every time we kenneled her, she would end up with a bladder infection. Evidently she would refuse to pee on the concrete ...so we always had Grandpa come stay with her. In her last 6 months of life, she was diagnosed with an inoperable mass on her spleen. We kept the swelling down with prednisone for a while, but it grew so large she was having trouble breathing and was seizing the morning we said goodbye.
I would get another Goldendoodle in a heartbeat, but we are taking care of our daughter’s dog off and on (pictured as a puppy with Maxine shortly before her death) and adopted a lab mix rescue from a high kill shelter down south. Three dogs are just too many, and I somehow would feel like a traitor getting a replacement Goldendoodle, as there will never be another Maxine. |
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