Goldendoodle Testimonials
Hello there. These are the owners of the goldendoodle bought in october.
(incase you forgot) sorry we haven't written for awhile. We just wanted to
thank you soo much. Pheobe (that's what we named her) is totally healthy
and playful. She loves going on walks and playing with the kids. WE just all LOVE her. She is soo adorable. =]
Thanks again.
We just wanted to let you know what a great dog AL has been for us. He is
very laid back and loves to be hugged. He is great with our kids and has
already become one of the family. There is no doubt we made a great
Bill & Cindy
Happy Birthday (7-19-06) to (Brownie) Oliver Wilson! He is 1 year old and weighs 60#. We can't believe how much we love him. He is just great and he always puts a smile on our faces. So active and very well behaved.He loves all his chew toys, loves to catch and take walks. He loves to be outside and never leaves his yard even when the neighbors are out with their dogs. He went swimming in Lake Winnebego at the cottage... With all this activity we do find him taking his share of naps also. The next time we are up there we will stop in to say hello. Here are new pictures for you to post to the website.
Jacque, Tim, Halee and Emily
Good Morning Mueller Family,
I was fortunate to be able to bring home one of your puppies on June10, her birthday is April 4.
I wanted to share some pictures. My grand-daughters really love her, as well as I. My husband takes her every where. She also goes to Doggy Day Care twice a week for 4 hours. The lady is also a groomer, so she has been introduced to the grooming table as well, she goes up on it whenever she is there. I brush her every day, so she has no problems with staying pretty.
I named her Lucy, she is so smart. She was easy to housebreak and I take her to a Nursing Home twice a week. When we walk in she is a different puppy. She doesnt jump, run or do any puppy things. The people who live there look forward to seeing her. Even though they cant remember what they had for supper, they remember her name and the last time we were there.
Again, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to adopt her. Attached are some pictures from last week.
Janice & Wayne:
Just a quick note to say how much we love our puppy. My 10 year old
daughter Kathryn named her, Marzipan Sugar Murphy, and we're calling her Marzi for short. She is a delight. Thank you! Attached are some pictures I hope you can open. My daughter is in the first picture and my 3 year old son is in the last.
Hello Janice & Family.......
we wanted to give you an update on our new life with "Charlee Girl".......she has been such a wonderful addition and we are impressed by her more and more each day! Now we understand "first hand" why there aren't any negative reviews on this breed. They truely are the "perfect" breed for a family like ours. She is fun and playful when we want her to be but can also be very calm and relaxed and she takes discipline very seriously! We thought it would take us most of the summer to get her trained and comfortable here at home but in just a couple of weeks we have her on such a great schedule and she is trained in so many areas. First of all she could "sit" and "shake a paw" on command within a few days of having her at home, and now she can "stay", "retrieve", and "lay down" on command as well. She is also crate trained which is just great and the minute we open the crate door and put her in she is quiet and does NOT bark or whine except for her very first night home but we knew she was just missing her litter mates. Another thing that people are amazed at is that she is now trained to go "p" and "poo" in a designated part of our backyard. We made a rectangle area and put gravel and sand and after persistance on my part she is now eliminating in this spot completely on her own!!! It took one month and we are THRILLED :) She will run around the yard and when she has to go she runs over to the spot on her own and goes! The area is appoximately 3 feet by 2 feet and we make sure it is clean everyday. We have not had any "accidents" in the house now for about a week!!! She LOVES her Nylabones and Milkbone Treats a couple times a day and she adores our children. She is so incredibly gentle toward them and our vet is very impressed at how quickly she has learned to not "mouth" at them or when they play with her. Your advice to gently squeeze her mouth and say "No Bite" has worked like a charm, so THANK YOU for that! We have also found that a spray bottle with water works great for teaching her to stay out of my flower gardens......we squirt her in the face and the mist is enough to make her go lay down and leave the flowers alone! People go crazy about how she looks, they love her coloring and her coat style and many have mistaken her for a "Golden Retriever"! I have already given out your number a few times! I am definitely the one who she considers the one "in charge" since I am at home everyday with her however I am surprised at how well she listens to the kids commands! Her intelligence and loving nature are definitely what we brag about most. She is gaining weight and changing a little now. She also tolerates having a bath and blow drying and brushing perfectly. She is in many ways like a doll since she lays there so nicely and lets us do what we need to with her! The Vet has told us many times that she looks "great" and is in excellent health and everybody at the Vet office adores Charlee! There are only a few Goldendoodles around our area so she gets alot of attention from people that's for sure :) We are planning on taking her up to the cabin this week and we will see how she will make out in the lake and hopefully swim to fetch a stick! We enjoy every minute with our new puppy and we are very grateful to have chosen YOU as our breeder! It was well worth the 8 hour each way drive! We really enjoyed driving through Wisconsin and the gorgeous landscape. We will always treasure meeting all of you and Charlee's parents and brothers and sisters too! Now that we have Charlee, it is so hard to imagine a life without a dog! After just one month with her in our family, our children have bonded so deeply with her and she has enriched our lives so much we can't imagine how much we will love her after years together........all she wants to do in life is make us happy and SHE DOES! That waggy tail of hers makes us smile and brings unending joy to our household. We Love Our Charlee Girl and we THANK YOU for providing her with such "great roots". Every puppy you raise with love makes such a difference in the world and every family you connect with a dog changes their lives forever. The Mueller's work hard and in the end........MANY happy dogs and MANY happy families, so it is all WORTH IT! Keep up the wonderful and healthy breeding Janice, Wayne and Wendy! We thank you from the bottom of our dog-lovin' hearts........
Nikki, Chris, Nicholas, Callahan, Christian & Charlee Wiedenhoeft
Fort Frances, Ontario Canada
PS....if you get time we would enjoy having some contacts from Charlee's litter mates so we could share stories and pictures! Thank you and we will be in touch regularly. I haven't been well again lately so sorry it took so long for some photos and updates! Love to all of you! Nikki
Just wanted to send you this since both Archie and Bruno are now 2 years old.
You know me with my pictures. I just had to make a collage of Muellers finest!
Hope all is well with you and thank you again for 2 wonderful doodles.
Wendy, Janice and Wayne,
Just thought I'd give you a quick update on Max(ine) and Billy. They are doing beautifully, as you can see by their "First Haircut" picture from a couple of weeks ago.
The concern about Billy's walking has been eliminated. They are both fabulous walkers -- heel beautifully, sit at every corner, etc. Thanks to taking them to doggie daycare once a week or so, they have no fear or other issue around any other dog...more than anything they think all dogs are their friends and they want to play.
Getting two of them was the best thing we ever did. They wear each other out playing! They are also TRUE retrievers--they are constantly carrying something around in their mouths, and they are great ball chasers...and set it right at your feet when they bring it back!
I was terribly allergic to our golden retriever and I have ABSOLUTELY no issues with the doodles! It's a small miracle.
Thanks for everything.
Mary and Jeff
Hi Mueller family,
It's Kody Karr here. My official name is Dakota, but my new family
calls me Kody for short. I left your loving kennel three weeks ago
with Dick and Clare Karr. I am now a beach dog in Holland, WI and
love my life here. I am loved be the whole Karr family....they treat
me like a little king! I know my name and can come when
called....and I am learning to sit tool. My house training is going
well. My family tells me I am cute, loveable, smart and comical.
They laugh a lot at what I do. I have a very big lake called Lake
Michigan as my playground.... and watering bowl!!Anyway, thank you
for raising me and loving my during my first three months of life.
Please let my parents know that I am doing well. In fact, do you
think that one day you could send a photo of my parents to me? Here
are some pictures that my new mom and dad have taken of me so you can
see where I live. I hope you enjoy them.
Woof, woof, xoxoxox
Kody |
Hello just wanted to send you a recent photo of our boy Boomer we got him from you on july 23rd. He has grown so much and has settled in to be a big part of our family. He has such a personality and is a joy to be around. We are constantly getting questions as to what breed of dog he is and where we got him. It is amazing how smart he is and how fast he picks things up. We just want to thank you so much for Boomer and we will be in contact because Boomer will definitly need a playmate this summer!!!!
Thanks again,
Nate, Krista, and Paige
My Fiance & I purchased a female doodle from you on 4-7, that we named Zoe & we wanted you to know that she is absolutely wonderful!!! We love her to death & so does everybody she meets. She already knows sit, stay, laydown & she's trying very hard to remember to go potty outside, but sometimes she forgets. Thank you soo much for the wonderful dog, she was perfect addition to our family, we just love her!!! I attached some photos so you could what pretty dog she's becoming. Thank you again!!
Kyle & Amanda

Nice to hear back from you. Here is a picture of Abby
and my grandson, Luke taken this last January. They
are great pals and Luke was just one when I got Abby.
Take care.