Goldendoodle Testimonials
Dear Wayne and Janice
We hope that this e-mail finds you and all of the puppies doing well! We wanted to drop a note and send some pictures of Theo from yesterday, on his 6th birthday! Enjoy and feel free to share on your website.
Craig & Amy (and Aaron & Camryn)
Last year at this time I picked up Jack, the guy in the scarf pictured below, at your house. We knew we wanted a dog but my husband was dragging his feet on the whole issue and so, with the intention of just browsing, I paid you all a visit. Of course, now Jack and my husband are inseparable. He is among the most loved dogs in the world. He has a great personality and a wonderful temperament (for instance, he lets you European-tie scarves around his neck and poses well for photos). We dont remember what life was like before Jack. We do know it wasnt as playful.
Thank you.
Kathy, Wauwatosa
Duke and Daisy were born in August of 2005. They have been a tremendously joyful addition to our families, and they are about the only ones who seem to enjoy snow, snow, and more snow.
Here is one of our favorite pictures of them!
Duane |
Hi Janice and Wayne!
We wanted to send you an update on our Goldendoodle that we received from
you last spring. Cooper turned one on March 14 and has been a wonderful
addition to our family. He has such a sweet temperment and LOVES to play.
can't get over how easy he has been to train; Cooper is very smart, wants
please, and catches onto commands quickly. He has brought so much love,
companionship, and laughter to our family! We've attached some pictures of
Cooper for you to see.
We have been so happy with Cooper and therefore would be more than happy
recommend you, so feel free to add us to your testimonal page and include
on the list of references for the Chicago area.
We hope 2008 has been a good year for you and your family and thank
you so much for the wonderful dog we have in Cooper.
All the best,
Katharine and Ben
Chicago, IL |
Just thought I would share a few pictures with you of the two older girls, Harley is 4 and Hannah is 3, and the addition of the Cocoa Puffs. The two new girls fit in quite well, and have proven to be as wonderful and loving as their older sisters. Hannah hasnt taught Holly and Hooch how to open doors, or turn on light switches yet, but have shown them how to ring the bell to go outside. So Im afraid the rest will come sooner or later. I see so much of the older girls in the twins; their proud little strut with a toy in their mouth, the way they love to cuddle, give kisses and hugs, and they have already begun talking to us. What a joy the four of them are. People who have not had any exposure to this breed ask me what I was thinking adopting two more Mueller Doodles. They cannot believe we would drive 10 hours just to get a dog. I just look at them and tell them to come over and spend some time with us and you will know why we have four doods, and how they will see they are not just dogs. They are furry little people.
I will send more pictures as the twins grow. I honestly watch them and laugh at them so much, that I forget that I should be taking pictures of them.
Bob and Sherry
Moweaqua, IL
He is such a fast learner
and knows a lot of words and was so good during 3 major Christmas parties at
our home. Everyone was so impressed with his good behavior and cuteness. He
has become my feet warmer whenever I stand still. He also sorts the laundry
for me.
Carol |
Hi Janice,
I don't know if you remember us, but we purchased a Goldendoodle from you on Dec 7th. He was born on Oct 5th. We have named him Gus, and he has been keeping us busy! He has really started to enjoy the snow, which is good since there is so much of it, and loves running around outside and playing as much as he can. He helped my husband and son build a snowman and had a lot of fun running up and down the hill in our backyard as my son and I went sledding :) He enjoyed his first Christmas and was spoiled with presents :)
It's hard to believe how fast he's growing!! We get a lot of compliments on how pretty he is :)
I'm attaching some pictures. Enjoy! And thank you for this addition to our family!
Dawn & Family
Dear Wayne and Janice,
We adore our Kody and are grateful every day that he is part of our family. Thank you, thank you for raising such special dogs.
We hope you and your family have a Happy Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings.
Here is the big guy sending his wishes too!
Dick and Clare
When we bought our doodle a year ago in May, you said that 60% come back for a second one. Well let us be one of those statistics. We purchased a black male who is about 75 lbs. We named him Teddy and he is the best. Teddy loves to play with other doodles in the neighborhood and we would like to get another one.
We are looking for a female this time and I am fond of the white ones. We are not looking until after the Holidays. What do you have coming available?
Thank you,
Ron, Sharon, Sean, Ian and Teddy
Happy Holidays & Tons of Licks from Sam !!!!
Almost 4 now. She's still the best.
John T