Georgia & Maddie


Our Georgia is 7 and Maddie is 5. Georgia(I call her George) came home first. You told me you would give us a discount on a second if purchased at the same time. I laughed at you and said nooooo way! Well 2 1/2 years later we got our Maddie from you(with out the second dog discount). We have never been happier. It is so much easier to raise two instead of one. They keep each other company and are inseparable. Your puppies are now our dogs, our beloved 4 legged family members. I have had alot of dogs over the years and NEVER, NEVER, had such great pets. THEY ARE PERFECT!!! They love to love. Thank you  Muellers. Hahaha I would never have thought I would own 2 at once. Now I never won’t.